Are you harassed or discriminated against at work? Are you paid too little, late or not at all? Do you work without breaks? If the answer is yes, we might be able to help you.
These are examples of some of the issues that we deal with at the Trade Union Center for Undocumented Workers.
Somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 undocumented people are living in Sweden today, according to estimates. Because of their legal status, they are in a very vulnerable positition. People in this precarious situation often work for wages far below what has been established in the collective agreements negotiated by the trade unions. With unscrupulous employers, many undocumented workers might not even get paid at all.
If you believe you're being discriminated against by your employer, we'll do our best to help you. Our services are free of charge, and you have the right to be anonymous. Visit us or call us at the adress and number listed below. Our offices are located in central Stockholm. Or visit our homepage for more information. Or visit us on Facebook.
En español
¿Te discriminan o te acosan en el trabajo? ¿Solo te pagan SEK 20 por hora? ¿Te pagan tarde o no te han pagado? ¿Trabajas sin pausa? Si la respuesta es sí, tal vez te podemos ayudar. Los indocumentados también tienen derechos en el trabajo. Los servicios del Centro Sindical de Suecia para los Migrantes Indocumentados son gratuitos, y siempre tienes derecho de anonimáto. Llámanos al número listado abajo, o ven a nuestras oficinas en Estocolmo. Más información en nuestra página web.
Contact us
The Swedish Trade Union Center for Undocumented Migrants
Adress: Skytteholmsvägen 2, Folkets Hus, Solna
(Subway station: Solna )
Freephone service: 020-160 10 06